Protogen x3.4

Protogen x3.4

Author ckpt

Instance Prompt modelshoot style

model_id: protogen-3.4
Model Type: Stable Diffusion

Protogen x3.4 Official Release, ultra-realistic images generation with perfect hands and details.


Images generated with Protogen x3.4 and its prompt

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─naruto and kakasi├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 17, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─naruto and kakasi├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 17, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─naruto and kakasi├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 17, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─naruto and kakasi├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 17, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Arisha ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 7, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Arisha ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 7, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Arisha ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 7, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Arisha ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 7, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Arisha ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 7, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Arisha ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 7, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#23505(TextEditingValue(text: ─A field of sunflowers with a rainbow in the background├, selection: TextSelection.invalid, composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Portrait├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 8, affinity: TextAffinity.upstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Portrait├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 8, affinity: TextAffinity.upstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Portrait├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 8, affinity: TextAffinity.upstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#7b0f1(TextEditingValue(text: ─Portrait├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 8, affinity: TextAffinity.upstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#4a80c(TextEditingValue(text: ─man ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 17, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#4a80c(TextEditingValue(text: ─man ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 17, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

modelshoot style <optimized out>#f14ce(TextEditingValue(text: ─very big ├, selection: TextSelection.collapsed(offset: 9, affinity: TextAffinity.downstream, isDirectional: false), composing: TextRange(start: -1, end: -1))) hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K