

Author emposy

Instance Prompt

model_id: fki74rfkycv
Model Type: Embeddings

it's on


Images generated with fki74rfkycv and its prompt

 A beautiful athletic Scandinavian woman, thick curvy figure, physically fit, silky smooth skin, slightly tan skin, long wild purple hair, silver tips in hair, colorful tattoos, dresses like a high-class street thug, carries a metal baseball bat, walks with swagger, she is bold, stylish, she is dangerous, walking down a busy street with lots of traffic, full body portrait, anime character, detailed, vibrant, anime face, sharp focus, wlop, artgerm, kuvshinov, unreal engine, fantasy art, hyperrealism, greg rutkowski, ominous, akihito yoshida, digital painting, trending on artstation, cgsociety

A beautiful athletic Scandinavian woman, thick curvy figure, physically fit, silky smooth skin, slightly tan skin, long wild purple hair, silver tips in hair, colorful tattoos, dresses like a high-class street thug, carries a metal baseball bat, walks with swagger, she is bold, stylish, she is dangerous, walking down a busy street with lots of traffic, full body portrait, anime character, detailed, vibrant, anime face, sharp focus, wlop, artgerm, kuvshinov, unreal engine, fantasy art, hyperrealism, greg rutkowski, ominous, akihito yoshida, digital painting, trending on artstation, cgsociety