

Author kirk-lewis269

Instance Prompt

model_id: ultimatediffusionxlv1
Model Type: Stable Diffusion

High-quality art through simple prompts and style references.


Images generated with UltimateDiffusionXL_v1 and its prompt

 vector art, illustration, Pixel art of anime jalil dog astronaut wearing a helmet with a galaxy in the background , symmetrical portrait, facing directly forward, cozy indoor lighting,detailed, character design by hayao miyazaki

vector art, illustration, Pixel art of anime jalil dog astronaut wearing a helmet with a galaxy in the background , symmetrical portrait, facing directly forward, cozy indoor lighting,detailed, character design by hayao miyazaki

 vector art, illustration, Pixel art of anime jalil dog astronaut wearing a helmet with a galaxy in the background , symmetrical portrait, facing directly forward, cozy indoor lighting,detailed, character design by hayao miyazaki

vector art, illustration, Pixel art of anime jalil dog astronaut wearing a helmet with a galaxy in the background , symmetrical portrait, facing directly forward, cozy indoor lighting,detailed, character design by hayao miyazaki

 portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

 portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

 portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

 portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

 portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,

portrait Face, Photo of jalil dog, artstation winner by Victo Ngai, Kilian Eng and by Jake Parker, vibrant colors, winning-award masterpiece, fantastically gaudy, aesthetic octane render, 8K HD Resolution, 8k, highly detailed, high quality,illustration,