

Author emposy

Instance Prompt

model_id: u58hvdfu4q
Model Type: Lora

it's on https://civitai.com/models/55338/xxmix9v20lora


Images generated with u58hvdfu4q and its prompt

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, goddess, angelic, graceful, delicate hands, radiant, ethereal, enchanting, flowing gown, youthful, captivating, mesmerizing, delicate features, dreamlike, watercolor, enchanting, celestial, mystical, otherworldly, transcendent, disappearing

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, goddess, angelic, graceful, delicate hands, radiant, ethereal, enchanting, flowing gown, youthful, captivating, mesmerizing, delicate features, dreamlike, watercolor, enchanting, celestial, mystical, otherworldly, transcendent, disappearing

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, cute, girl, young girl, beautiful eyes, bunny costume, 6-year-old, LINE sticker, keychain, character, anime, manga, popular, beloved, no background

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, cute, girl, young girl, beautiful eyes, bunny costume, 6-year-old, LINE sticker, keychain, character, anime, manga, popular, beloved, no background

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, divine, angelic, graceful physique, delicate fingertips, radiant, attire, youthful, descending, artful, ethereal, mystical, ink wash painting, submerged, reflections of entire body

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, divine, angelic, graceful physique, delicate fingertips, radiant, attire, youthful, descending, artful, ethereal, mystical, ink wash painting, submerged, reflections of entire body

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young male soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young male soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young male soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young male soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, , (torn blue and white stripes uniform:1.1), sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.3), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.3), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.1), (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.2), (male:2.2), (young soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.2), (male:2.2), (young soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.1), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.3), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.3), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.3), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.3), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:2), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, (handsome:1.5), (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.4), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), (naked:1.1), (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2)