

Author emposy

Instance Prompt

model_id: u58hvdfu4q
Model Type: Lora

it's on https://civitai.com/models/55338/xxmix9v20lora


Images generated with u58hvdfu4q and its prompt

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, adorable, charming, sweet, lovely face, cute smile, youthful, angelic, innocent, precious, darling, enchanting, lovely features, pretty, attractive, dainty, doll-like, radiant, lovable, captivating, beguiling

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, adorable, charming, sweet, lovely face, cute smile, youthful, angelic, innocent, precious, darling, enchanting, lovely features, pretty, attractive, dainty, doll-like, radiant, lovable, captivating, beguiling

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, attractive, elegant, charming, alluring, stunning, graceful, radiant, lovely, pretty, gorgeous, enchanting, captivating, mesmerizing, bewitching, charming, alluring, sophisticated, stylish

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, attractive, elegant, charming, alluring, stunning, graceful, radiant, lovely, pretty, gorgeous, enchanting, captivating, mesmerizing, bewitching, charming, alluring, sophisticated, stylish

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.3), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.3), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.2), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.2), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:3), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:3), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:1.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:1.5), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.2), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, handsome, (male:2), (young soccer players:1.3), (pompadour:1.1), (white briefs:1.3), (sleeveless:1.2), spike shoes, (soccer shin guards:1.3), young, sitting posture, (spread legs:1.1), real skin, (sexy posing:1.3), hot guy, (muscular:1.3), naked, (bulge:1.1), trained calves, thigh, realistic, lifelike, high quality, photos taken with a single-lens reflex camera, (looking at the camera:1.2), (locker room:1.1)

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, , black hair, , , , beautiful , , high  , ic expression, large s, oral ,

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, , black hair, , , , beautiful , , high , ic expression, large s, oral ,

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, black-haired, , bunny , cosplay, chest, mive s, , beautiful , high  ,  ,  face, enticing, , alluring, provocative, sultry, , tempting, irresistible

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, beautiful, black-haired, , bunny , cosplay, chest, mive s, , beautiful , high , , face, enticing, , alluring, provocative, sultry, , tempting, irresistible

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, , black hair, , bunny , cosplay, chest, well-endowed, , beautiful , high  ,  ,  face, big s,

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, , black hair, , bunny , cosplay, chest, well-endowed, , beautiful , high , , face, big s,

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, winter, blond hair, cozy sweater, snowflakes, rosy cheeks, snow-covered landscape, warm scarf, ice princess, pale skin, snow boots, frosty breath, shimmering hair, snowy mountains, snowball fight, frostbite, snow angel, woolen hat, icicles, snowfall, winter wonderland

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, winter, blond hair, cozy sweater, snowflakes, rosy cheeks, snow-covered landscape, warm scarf, ice princess, pale skin, snow boots, frosty breath, shimmering hair, snowy mountains, snowball fight, frostbite, snow angel, woolen hat, icicles, snowfall, winter wonderland

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, winter, blonde, snowflakes, icy blue eyes, pale skin, rosy cheeks, cozy sweater, snow-covered hair, hot chocolate, winter boots, snowball fight, frosty breath, snow angel, winter wonderland, ski slope, mittens, wool scarf, frozen pond, sled, fireplace

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, winter, blonde, snowflakes, icy blue eyes, pale skin, rosy cheeks, cozy sweater, snow-covered hair, hot chocolate, winter boots, snowball fight, frosty breath, snow angel, winter wonderland, ski slope, mittens, wool scarf, frozen pond, sled, fireplace

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, winter, snow, cold, snowflakes, white landscape, frost, snow-covered trees, snowball fight, sledding, skiing, snow angels, hot chocolate, fireplace, cozy blankets, icicles, winter wonderland, snowstorm, snow boots, snowman, quiet calmness

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, winter, snow, cold, snowflakes, white landscape, frost, snow-covered trees, snowball fight, sledding, skiing, snow angels, hot chocolate, fireplace, cozy blankets, icicles, winter wonderland, snowstorm, snow boots, snowman, quiet calmness

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, one woman,nude,spread legs,underboob,boobs,large breasts,short of a person,whole body,small areola,beautiful face,big eyes,embarrassed,semi-long hair,black hair,black eyes,from front,peer in from below,on stage,illustration style,masterpiece, extremely fine and beautiful,photorealistic,Japanese

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, one woman,nude,spread legs,underboob,boobs,large breasts,short of a person,whole body,small areola,beautiful face,big eyes,embarrassed,semi-long hair,black hair,black eyes,from front,peer in from below,on stage,illustration style,masterpiece, extremely fine and beautiful,photorealistic,Japanese

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, small s
middle  student

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, small s japanese middle student pantie

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, sensual, erotic, seductive, passionate, intimate, oral sex, pleasure, adult content, explicit, forbidden, secret, forbidden fruit, naughty, intense, naughty, tempting, sexual, arousing, intimate moment, sensual mouth

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, sensual, erotic, seductive, passionate, intimate, oral sex, pleasure, adult content, explicit, forbidden, secret, forbidden fruit, naughty, intense, naughty, tempting, sexual, arousing, intimate moment, sensual mouth

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, nude, naked, woman, fair-skinned, sexual intercourse, sensual, passionate, intimate, erotic, arousing, seductive, alluring, desirable, provocative, tempting, pleasure, enticing, sensual, attractive

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, nude, naked, woman, fair-skinned, sexual intercourse, sensual, passionate, intimate, erotic, arousing, seductive, alluring, desirable, provocative, tempting, pleasure, enticing, sensual, attractive

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, fair-skinned,  s, elementary  , full body,

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, fair-skinned, s, elementary , full body,

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, fair-skinned, elementary  student, full body, , innocent, youthful, delicate, like, bare skin, vulnerable, pure, modest, cute face, slender figure, soft features, pigtails, rosy cheeks, tender expression, fresh, untainted

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, fair-skinned, elementary student, full body, , innocent, youthful, delicate, like, bare skin, vulnerable, pure, modest, cute face, slender figure, soft features, pigtails, rosy cheeks, tender expression, fresh, untainted

 ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, naked, nude, bare, exposed, undressed, unclothed, au naturel, without clothes, uncovered, in the buff, in the nude, without a stitch, birthday suit, sensual, seductive, alluring, provocative, attractive, beautiful, feminine

ultra high res, (photorealistic:1.4), raw photo, (realistic face), realistic eyes, (realistic skin), <lora:XXMix9_v20LoRa:0.8>, ((((masterpiece)))), best quality, very_high_resolution, ultra-detailed, in-frame, naked, nude, bare, exposed, undressed, unclothed, au naturel, without clothes, uncovered, in the buff, in the nude, without a stitch, birthday suit, sensual, seductive, alluring, provocative, attractive, beautiful, feminine