

Author sterling370

Instance Prompt

model_id: portrait-realistic-sdxl
Model Type: Stable Diffusion

Realistic portrait photography


Images generated with Portrait-realistic-SDXL and its prompt

 sexy vampire woman, black fuchsia ponytail hair, pink eyes, eyeliner, long eyelashes, pink lips, black eyeshadow, glasses a smile hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

sexy vampire woman, black fuchsia ponytail hair, pink eyes, eyeliner, long eyelashes, pink lips, black eyeshadow, glasses a smile hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

 Beautiful brunette with perfect body, big bobs, long hairs, beautiful legs, perfect skin, shaved and ideal pussy, perfect face. Sitting, smiling, showing her pussy, pussy covered with cum. hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

Beautiful brunette with perfect body, big bobs, long hairs, beautiful legs, perfect skin, shaved and ideal pussy, perfect face. Sitting, smiling, showing her pussy, pussy covered with cum. hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

 A close-up portrait of a woman with deep brown eyes and a cascade of curly hair, her gaze piercing through the lens with an air of confidence and the slightest hint of a smile on her lips ,portrait,8k,high quality,soft lighting,high quality, Fujifilm XT3

A close-up portrait of a woman with deep brown eyes and a cascade of curly hair, her gaze piercing through the lens with an air of confidence and the slightest hint of a smile on her lips ,portrait,8k,high quality,soft lighting,high quality, Fujifilm XT3