Detail Enhancer Lora

Detail Enhancer Lora

Author Lykon

Instance Prompt more_details

model_id: more_details
Model Type: Lora

Add more details of image using this lora


Images generated with Detail Enhancer Lora and its prompt

 (adult:1.4), (adult:1.4), (wearing and underwear: 1.4) ,arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, crotch, bare crotch, spiral tattoos on her bare skin, bare, ropes, straps, bare crotch, bare, arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, ex

(adult:1.4), (adult:1.4), (wearing and underwear: 1.4) ,arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, crotch, bare crotch, spiral tattoos on her bare skin, bare, ropes, straps, bare crotch, bare, arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, ex

 (adult:1.4), (adult:1.4), (wearing and underwear: 1.4) ,arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, crotch, bare crotch, spiral tattoos on her bare skin, bare, ropes, straps, bare crotch, bare, arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, ex

(adult:1.4), (adult:1.4), (wearing and underwear: 1.4) ,arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, crotch, bare crotch, spiral tattoos on her bare skin, bare, ropes, straps, bare crotch, bare, arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, ex

 (adult:1.4), (adult:1.4), (wearing and underwear: 1.4) ,arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, crotch, bare crotch, spiral tattoos on her bare skin, bare, ropes, straps, bare crotch, bare, arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, ex

(adult:1.4), (adult:1.4), (wearing and underwear: 1.4) ,arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, crotch, bare crotch, spiral tattoos on her bare skin, bare, ropes, straps, bare crotch, bare, arafed woman after Lana Rhoades, Amara Maple, with extremely long wavy dark hair, bare, pubic hair, large, high detail, black choker, necklace, shackles, chains, ankle shackles chained to wrists, bare, bare genitalia, bare body,, genitalia, ex

mdjrny-v4 style Nanny Mac, or Mabel MacGregor, is a comforting presence within the household. Her ample figure exudes an air of warmth, and her kind eyes twinkle with tales of far-off lands and magical adventures. Mabel's silver-streaked hair, neatly tucked beneath her bonnet, speaks of wisdom earned through the passage of time.Her attire reflects a blend of practicality and Scottish charm, often adorned with patterns reminiscent of her homeland. Mabel's voice, rich with the soothing cadence of Scottish brogue, carries the magic of bedtime stories and lullabies that have comforted the household for years.In the heart of the home, Mabel is a pillar of support, not just as a caregiver but as a storyteller who paints fairylands in the imagination of the

mdjrny-v4 style Nanny Mac, or Mabel MacGregor, is a comforting presence within the household. Her ample figure exudes an air of warmth, and her kind eyes twinkle with tales of far-off lands and magical adventures. Mabel's silver-streaked hair, neatly tucked beneath her bonnet, speaks of wisdom earned through the passage of time.Her attire reflects a blend of practicality and Scottish charm, often adorned with patterns reminiscent of her homeland. Mabel's voice, rich with the soothing cadence of Scottish brogue, carries the magic of bedtime stories and lullabies that have comforted the household for years.In the heart of the home, Mabel is a pillar of support, not just as a caregiver but as a storyteller who paints fairylands in the imagination of the

mdjrny-v4 style Nanny Mac, or Mabel MacGregor, is a comforting presence within the household. Her ample figure exudes an air of warmth, and her kind eyes twinkle with tales of far-off lands and magical adventures. Mabel's silver-streaked hair, neatly tucked beneath her bonnet, speaks of wisdom earned through the passage of time.Her attire reflects a blend of practicality and Scottish charm, often adorned with patterns reminiscent of her homeland. Mabel's voice, rich with the soothing cadence of Scottish brogue, carries the magic of bedtime stories and lullabies that have comforted the household for years.In the heart of the home, Mabel is a pillar of support, not just as a caregiver but as a storyteller who paints fairylands in the imagination of the

mdjrny-v4 style Nanny Mac, or Mabel MacGregor, is a comforting presence within the household. Her ample figure exudes an air of warmth, and her kind eyes twinkle with tales of far-off lands and magical adventures. Mabel's silver-streaked hair, neatly tucked beneath her bonnet, speaks of wisdom earned through the passage of time.Her attire reflects a blend of practicality and Scottish charm, often adorned with patterns reminiscent of her homeland. Mabel's voice, rich with the soothing cadence of Scottish brogue, carries the magic of bedtime stories and lullabies that have comforted the household for years.In the heart of the home, Mabel is a pillar of support, not just as a caregiver but as a storyteller who paints fairylands in the imagination of the

 NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

 NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

 vedova nera al bar

vedova nera al bar

 cinematic film still Woman with full body form, long black hair, blue eyes, in red draping clothing, with camera in hand. . shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget, bokeh, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy

cinematic film still Woman with full body form, long black hair, blue eyes, in red draping clothing, with camera in hand. . shallow depth of field, vignette, highly detailed, high budget, bokeh, cinemascope, moody, epic, gorgeous, film grain, grainy

mdjrny-v4 style Nanny Mac, or Mabel MacGregor, is a comforting presence within the household. Her ample figure exudes an air of warmth, and her kind eyes twinkle with tales of far-off lands and magical adventures. Mabel's silver-streaked hair, neatly tucked beneath her bonnet, speaks of wisdom earned through the passage of time.Her attire reflects a blend of practicality and Scottish charm, often adorned with patterns reminiscent of her homeland. Mabel's voice, rich with the soothing cadence of Scottish brogue, carries the magic of bedtime stories and lullabies that have comforted the household for years.In the heart of the home, Mabel is a pillar of support, not just as a caregiver but as a storyteller who paints fairylands in the imagination of the

mdjrny-v4 style Nanny Mac, or Mabel MacGregor, is a comforting presence within the household. Her ample figure exudes an air of warmth, and her kind eyes twinkle with tales of far-off lands and magical adventures. Mabel's silver-streaked hair, neatly tucked beneath her bonnet, speaks of wisdom earned through the passage of time.Her attire reflects a blend of practicality and Scottish charm, often adorned with patterns reminiscent of her homeland. Mabel's voice, rich with the soothing cadence of Scottish brogue, carries the magic of bedtime stories and lullabies that have comforted the household for years.In the heart of the home, Mabel is a pillar of support, not just as a caregiver but as a storyteller who paints fairylands in the imagination of the

 Winter, night, bright lush elegant Christmas tree with Christmas toys and lights in the forest, fireworks, (Extremely Detailed Oil Painting:1.2), glow effects, godrays, Hand drawn, render, 8k, octane render, cinema 4d, blender, dark, atmospheric 4k ultra detailed, cinematic sensual, Sharp focus, humorous illustration, big depth of field, Masterpiece, colors, 3d octane render, 4k, concept art, trending on artstation, hyperrealistic, Vivid colors, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, dramatic

Winter, night, bright lush elegant Christmas tree with Christmas toys and lights in the forest, fireworks, (Extremely Detailed Oil Painting:1.2), glow effects, godrays, Hand drawn, render, 8k, octane render, cinema 4d, blender, dark, atmospheric 4k ultra detailed, cinematic sensual, Sharp focus, humorous illustration, big depth of field, Masterpiece, colors, 3d octane render, 4k, concept art, trending on artstation, hyperrealistic, Vivid colors, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, dramatic

 NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

 NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

NSFW, ((illustration of an American woman)), ((petite))++, ((skinny))++, highly detailed illustration of a woman, ((facial)), ((cum on face)), ((cum on nose)), in hair, on tongue, highres, absurdres, sharp, fine detail, ultra-detailed, ((HD))++, masterpiece, hair, blue eyes, (small breasts),, excessive female pubic hair, armpits, (blond hair), ((freckles on nose))++, looking at viewer, happy expression, big smile, prominent teeth, expressive eyes, perfect eyes, nice hands, urban background, day time, fine detail, prominent outline, sharp

portrait+ style druid, dnd character, human, man, black hair, green and golden eyes,  20 years old, mysterious, feral, hooded, fantasy, hd, fey, Wild, nature

portrait+ style druid, dnd character, human, man, black hair, green and golden eyes, 20 years old, mysterious, feral, hooded, fantasy, hd, fey, Wild, nature

 Winter, night, bright lush elegant Christmas tree with Christmas toys and lights in the forest, fireworks, (Extremely Detailed Oil Painting:1.2), glow effects, godrays, Hand drawn, render, 8k, octane render, cinema 4d, blender, dark, atmospheric 4k ultra detailed, cinematic sensual, Sharp focus, humorous illustration, big depth of field, Masterpiece, colors, 3d octane render, 4k, concept art, trending on artstation, hyperrealistic, Vivid colors, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, dramatic

Winter, night, bright lush elegant Christmas tree with Christmas toys and lights in the forest, fireworks, (Extremely Detailed Oil Painting:1.2), glow effects, godrays, Hand drawn, render, 8k, octane render, cinema 4d, blender, dark, atmospheric 4k ultra detailed, cinematic sensual, Sharp focus, humorous illustration, big depth of field, Masterpiece, colors, 3d octane render, 4k, concept art, trending on artstation, hyperrealistic, Vivid colors, extremely detailed CG unity 8k wallpaper, trending on ArtStation, trending on CGSociety, Intricate, High Detail, dramatic

 druid, dnd character, human, man, black hair, green and golden eyes,  20 years old, mysterious, feral, hooded, fantasy, hd, fey, Wild, nature

druid, dnd character, human, man, black hair, green and golden eyes, 20 years old, mysterious, feral, hooded, fantasy, hd, fey, Wild, nature