

Author emposy

Instance Prompt

model_id: lf8akjfb3f
Model Type: Stable Diffusion



Images generated with lf8akjfb3f and its prompt

 White background. Full body. A woman, her left eye is blue, and her right eye is golden. Her eyes are big and innocent-looking. Her hair is a deep Klein blue, and she has long hair. She has cat ears and a cat tail. She is wearing clothes in shades of blue, with some metallic decorations. She is wearing a bell collar, arm and leg bands. She is very cute, with a hint of allure. hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

White background. Full body. A woman, her left eye is blue, and her right eye is golden. Her eyes are big and innocent-looking. Her hair is a deep Klein blue, and she has long hair. She has cat ears and a cat tail. She is wearing clothes in shades of blue, with some metallic decorations. She is wearing a bell collar, arm and leg bands. She is very cute, with a hint of allure. hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

 Asiatic,whole body,policeman,naked whole body,muscular, fit, handsome, young, passionate,strong,naked,sfw, actual 8K portrait photo of gareth person, portrait, happy colors, bright eyes, clear eyes, warm smile, smooth soft skin,symmetrical, anime wide eyes, soft lighting, by makoto shinkai, stanley artgerm lau, wlop, rossdraws hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

Asiatic,whole body,policeman,naked whole body,muscular, fit, handsome, young, passionate,strong,naked,sfw, actual 8K portrait photo of gareth person, portrait, happy colors, bright eyes, clear eyes, warm smile, smooth soft skin,symmetrical, anime wide eyes, soft lighting, by makoto shinkai, stanley artgerm lau, wlop, rossdraws hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K