

Author maokeyong

Instance Prompt

model_id: hanfu
Model Type: Lora



Images generated with hanfu and its prompt

 cyberpunk male, black skin, stunning, curly hair, blue eyes, earrings, high detail graphics, cinematic lights, 4k, artstation, hyperrealistic, intricate details, Powerful, Rim Lighting, Diffraction Grading, RTX, by Ivan Shishkin

cyberpunk male, black skin, stunning, curly hair, blue eyes, earrings, high detail graphics, cinematic lights, 4k, artstation, hyperrealistic, intricate details, Powerful, Rim Lighting, Diffraction Grading, RTX, by Ivan Shishkin

 cyberpunk male, black skin, stunning, curly hair, blue eyes, earrings, high detail graphics, cinematic lights, 4k, artstation, hyperrealistic, intricate details, Powerful, Rim Lighting, Diffraction Grading, RTX, by Ivan Shishkin

cyberpunk male, black skin, stunning, curly hair, blue eyes, earrings, high detail graphics, cinematic lights, 4k, artstation, hyperrealistic, intricate details, Powerful, Rim Lighting, Diffraction Grading, RTX, by Ivan Shishkin

 voluptuous women in a field of fantastic flowers, an amazing combination of colors, close-up, cut lace dress, 4k, cinematic lights, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, real life, Sony Alpha α7, photorealistic, photoshoot

voluptuous women in a field of fantastic flowers, an amazing combination of colors, close-up, cut lace dress, 4k, cinematic lights, hyper realistic, hyper detailed, real life, Sony Alpha α7, photorealistic, photoshoot