

Author jesse646

Instance Prompt

model_id: droodlyrielv15
Model Type: Stable Diffusion

the model was created as an artistic style, the model can do almost anything, the main thing is to follow the promt, hands and eyes looks good for the...


Images generated with drood_lyriel_v15 and its prompt

 a beautiful lady with perfect face blond hair facing a flying sparrow unreal high quality. Background of Cherry blossom 🌸🌸🌸 flying petals everywhere unreal high quality

a beautiful lady with perfect face blond hair facing a flying sparrow unreal high quality. Background of Cherry blossom 🌸🌸🌸 flying petals everywhere unreal high quality

 a beautiful lady with perfect face blond hair facing a flying sparrow unreal high quality. Background of Cherry blossom 🌸🌸🌸 flying petals everywhere

a beautiful lady with perfect face blond hair facing a flying sparrow unreal high quality. Background of Cherry blossom 🌸🌸🌸 flying petals everywhere

 a beautiful lady with perfect face blond hair facing a flying sparrow unreal high quality

a beautiful lady with perfect face blond hair facing a flying sparrow unreal high quality

 (:1.4), (:1.4), (wearing  and : 1.4) ,, , sparkling eyes, shiny skin,  body, wearing  , masterpiece, (detailed face), (detailed clothes), f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 4K, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, masterpiece, perfect lighting, (beautiful face), (detailed face), (detailed clothes), 1 , (woman), 4K, ultrarealistic, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame

(:1.4), (:1.4), (wearing and : 1.4) ,, , sparkling eyes, shiny skin, body, wearing , masterpiece, (detailed face), (detailed clothes), f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 4K, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, masterpiece, perfect lighting, (beautiful face), (detailed face), (detailed clothes), 1 , (woman), 4K, ultrarealistic, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame

 (:1.4), (:1.4), (wearing  and : 1.4) ,Afshan Azad,astic look,blue and bronze short , clroom, large bust, age,high heels, , masterpiece, (detailed face), (detailed clothes), f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 4K, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, masterpiece, perfect lighting, (beautiful face), (detailed face), (detailed clothes), 1 , (woman), 4K, ultrarealistic, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame

(:1.4), (:1.4), (wearing and : 1.4) ,Afshan Azad,astic look,blue and bronze short , clroom, large bust, age,high heels, , masterpiece, (detailed face), (detailed clothes), f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 4K, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, masterpiece, perfect lighting, (beautiful face), (detailed face), (detailed clothes), 1 , (woman), 4K, ultrarealistic, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame