Disney Pixal Cartoon Type

Disney Pixal Cartoon Type

Author terry-bonny1

Instance Prompt

model_id: disney-pixal-cartoon
Model Type: Stable Diffusion

There's no good pixar disney looking cartoon model yet so i decided to make one. This is a merge of


Images generated with Disney Pixal Cartoon Type and its prompt

 In the depths of winter, a young girl shivers against a wall, warming herself with a match against the backdrop of a family enjoying themselves in a dining room

In the depths of winter, a young girl shivers against a wall, warming herself with a match against the backdrop of a family enjoying themselves in a dining room

 Masterpiece, best quality, a spiced stick with a hand and a French fry with a hand, holding a medal to the screen

Masterpiece, best quality, a spiced stick with a hand and a French fry with a hand, holding a medal to the screen

 Masterpiece, best quality, a spiced stick with a hand and a French fry with a hand, holding a medal to the screen

Masterpiece, best quality, a spiced stick with a hand and a French fry with a hand, holding a medal to the screen

 masterpiece, best quality, recognize cat in photo convert to 3D stereo image

masterpiece, best quality, recognize cat in photo convert to 3D stereo image

 masterpiece, best quality, recognize cat in photo convert to 3D stereo image

masterpiece, best quality, recognize cat in photo convert to 3D stereo image



 Night, moon, city, street, q version, no light, only moonlight, street is horizontal, picture has distance, medium, close

Night, moon, city, street, q version, no light, only moonlight, street is horizontal, picture has distance, medium, close

 Night, moon, city, street, q version, three layers, no light, only moonlight

Night, moon, city, street, q version, three layers, no light, only moonlight

 Night, Moon, City, Street, Q Edition

Night, Moon, City, Street, Q Edition

 masterpiece, best quality, cartoon men, chinese, cartoon style

masterpiece, best quality, cartoon men, chinese, cartoon style

 masterpiece, best quality, cartoon man, chinese

masterpiece, best quality, cartoon man, chinese

 In a beautiful forest lived a lovely bear with brown fur, black nose, round ears and bright eyes. He was wearing a red scarf and a blue hat.

In a beautiful forest lived a lovely bear with brown fur, black nose, round ears and bright eyes. He was wearing a red scarf and a blue hat.

 In a beautiful forest lives a cute bear named Feifei. Feifei has brown fur, black nose, round ears and bright eyes. He wears a red scarf and a blue hat. He likes to explore the forest and play with his friends.

In a beautiful forest lives a cute bear named Feifei. Feifei has brown fur, black nose, round ears and bright eyes. He wears a red scarf and a blue hat. He likes to explore the forest and play with his friends.

 masterpiece, best quality, (masterpiece, best quality, high quality, highres, ultra-detailed), realistic,1 sweet girl, the greater, (side braid:1.1), long hair,((white hair)), leaf hair ornament, elf, green eyes, pale skin, bare shoulders, jewelry, white long dress, (detached sleeves:1.1), bracelet, (looking away:1.2), (hair floating:1.3), from side, (in forest:1.3), (pink flowers:1.1), (falling petals:1.1), (lens flare from right:1.2)

masterpiece, best quality, (masterpiece, best quality, high quality, highres, ultra-detailed), realistic,1 sweet girl, the greater, (side braid:1.1), long hair,((white hair)), leaf hair ornament, elf, green eyes, pale skin, bare shoulders, jewelry, white long dress, (detached sleeves:1.1), bracelet, (looking away:1.2), (hair floating:1.3), from side, (in forest:1.3), (pink flowers:1.1), (falling petals:1.1), (lens flare from right:1.2)

 masterpiece, best quality, Create a captivating and enchanting animated poster reminiscent of Disney's magical storytelling. The theme revolves around a traditional Islamic boarding (pondok pesantren), portraying both male and female students immersed in the sacred act of reading the Qur'an. Capture the serene ambiance of the setting, emphasizing the unity, focus, and devotion of the young santri. Employ vibrant colors, meticulous detailing, and expressive character designs to bring this wholesome scene to life, evoking a sense of tranquility and spiritual connection. The animation should convey a heartwarming and inclusive atmosphere, inviting viewers into the world of these dedicated students as they engage in their religious studi

masterpiece, best quality, Create a captivating and enchanting animated poster reminiscent of Disney's magical storytelling. The theme revolves around a traditional Islamic boarding (pondok pesantren), portraying both male and female students immersed in the sacred act of reading the Qur'an. Capture the serene ambiance of the setting, emphasizing the unity, focus, and devotion of the young santri. Employ vibrant colors, meticulous detailing, and expressive character designs to bring this wholesome scene to life, evoking a sense of tranquility and spiritual connection. The animation should convey a heartwarming and inclusive atmosphere, inviting viewers into the world of these dedicated students as they engage in their religious studi

 Animal image personification, bad guy, knife, scar on face, single person, wolf head, human body, scared expression, Q print wind

Animal image personification, bad guy, knife, scar on face, single person, wolf head, human body, scared expression, Q print wind

 Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head human body, three-angle view, scared expression, Q-print wind

Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head human body, three-angle view, scared expression, Q-print wind

 Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head human body, three-angle view, scared expression, Q-print wind

Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head human body, three-angle view, scared expression, Q-print wind

 Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head, three-angle view, scared expression, Q-print wind

Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head, three-angle view, scared expression, Q-print wind

 werewolf, animal anthropomorphism, bad guy, knife-wielding, scarred face, single character, profile, angry, ferocious expression, Q-print wind

werewolf, animal anthropomorphism, bad guy, knife-wielding, scarred face, single character, profile, angry, ferocious expression, Q-print wind

 Animal image personification, bad guy, knife, scar on face, single person, wolf head, side profile, anger, ferocious expression, Q print wind

Animal image personification, bad guy, knife, scar on face, single person, wolf head, side profile, anger, ferocious expression, Q print wind

 Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head, three-angle view, angry, ferocious expression, Q-print wind

Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head, three-angle view, angry, ferocious expression, Q-print wind

 Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head, three-angle view, angry, ferocious expression

Animal image anthropomorphic, bad guy, knife-wielding, scar on face, single person, wolf head, three-angle view, angry, ferocious expression

 Animal image personification, bad guy, knife, scar on face, single person, wolf head

Animal image personification, bad guy, knife, scar on face, single person, wolf head

 Animal personification, bad guys, knife-wielding, scarred face, single person

Animal personification, bad guys, knife-wielding, scarred face, single person

 Animal personification, bad guys, knife-wielding, scars on the face

Animal personification, bad guys, knife-wielding, scars on the face