

Author maokeyong

Instance Prompt

model_id: detailtweakerlora
Model Type: Lora



Images generated with DetailTweakerLoRA and its prompt

 A fashion editorial style image, minimalistic in treatment, featuring a very wide shot of a young dusky Indian woman on the banks of a river in Gujarat in a deep cut backless blouse and long heavy Indian skirt

A fashion editorial style image, minimalistic in treatment, featuring a very wide shot of a young dusky Indian woman on the banks of a river in Gujarat in a deep cut backless blouse and long heavy Indian skirt

portrait+ style a dusky Gujarati Indian model with fresh flowers in her hair wearing no jewelry, standing on the banks of a river in Gujarat, India

portrait+ style a dusky Gujarati Indian model with fresh flowers in her hair wearing no jewelry, standing on the banks of a river in Gujarat, India

portrait+ style a dusky Gujarati Indian model with fresh flowers in her hair wearing no jewelry, standing on the banks of a river in Gujarat, India

portrait+ style a dusky Gujarati Indian model with fresh flowers in her hair wearing no jewelry, standing on the banks of a river in Gujarat, India

portrait+ style Indian mythology fantasy hyperrealism

portrait+ style Indian mythology fantasy hyperrealism

portrait+ style a dusky Gujarati Indian model with fresh flowers in her hair wearing no jewelry, standing on the banks of a river in Gujarat, India

portrait+ style a dusky Gujarati Indian model with fresh flowers in her hair wearing no jewelry, standing on the banks of a river in Gujarat, India