Dark Sushi Mix

Dark Sushi Mix

Author wahaj-ahmed

Instance Prompt

model_id: dark-sushi-mix
Model Type: Stable Diffusion

named from a dark soul's meme in Chinese community.

This model has good light effects, can generate darker images, and also has good light and s...


Images generated with Dark Sushi Mix and its prompt

 Japanese scientist wearing a white coat in a watercolor painting that looks like Harry Potter

Japanese scientist wearing a white coat in a watercolor painting that looks like Harry Potter

 Japanese scientist wearing a white coat in a watercolor painting that looks like Harry Potter

Japanese scientist wearing a white coat in a watercolor painting that looks like Harry Potter

 Japanese scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

Japanese scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

 a katana sword tied with red ribbons, fantasy weapons, a girl holding the sword

a katana sword tied with red ribbons, fantasy weapons, a girl holding the sword

 A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

 a katana sword tied with red ribbons, fantasy weapons

a katana sword tied with red ribbons, fantasy weapons

 A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

 A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

 a katana tied with red ribbons

a katana tied with red ribbons

 A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

 a katana tied with red ribbons

a katana tied with red ribbons

 A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

 A 34-year-old Harry Potter-like scientist with a short hairstyle in watercolor

A 34-year-old Harry Potter-like scientist with a short hairstyle in watercolor

 34-year-old Harry Potter scientist with watercolor paintings

34-year-old Harry Potter scientist with watercolor paintings

 a katana tied with red ribbons

a katana tied with red ribbons

 34-year-old Harry Potter scientist with watercolor paintings

34-year-old Harry Potter scientist with watercolor paintings

 A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

A scientist who looks like Harry Potter in watercolor

 a katana with red ribbon, blue handle, in the hands of an anime girl

a katana with red ribbon, blue handle, in the hands of an anime girl

 a katana with red ribbon, blue strape handle, in the hands of an anime girl

a katana with red ribbon, blue strape handle, in the hands of an anime girl

 a ice sword, frost, 1980 anime

a ice sword, frost, 1980 anime

 a ice sword, frost, 1980 anime

a ice sword, frost, 1980 anime

 anime ice sword

anime ice sword

 Beautiful light, fantastic, girl flying in the sky, wind, blue sky, look down

Beautiful light, fantastic, girl flying in the sky, wind, blue sky, look down

 Boy, boy

Boy, boy

 Brown, chemo ear, macho, male, mukimuki, hunter, fantasy, handsome

Brown, chemo ear, macho, male, mukimuki, hunter, fantasy, handsome

 Brown, chemo ear, macho, male, mukimuki, hunter, fantasy

Brown, chemo ear, macho, male, mukimuki, hunter, fantasy

 Brown, chemo ear, macho, male, muscular, hunter

Brown, chemo ear, macho, male, muscular, hunter

 Elf, smiling, light blue hair, long hair, dress, boots, trumpet, playing 🎺, autumn leaves, sunset,

Elf, smiling, light blue hair, long hair, dress, boots, trumpet, playing 🎺, autumn leaves, sunset,