Dark Appfactory

Dark Appfactory

Author hoinx01-at-gmailcom

Instance Prompt

model_id: dark-appfactory
Model Type: Stable Diffusion



Images generated with Dark Appfactory and its prompt

 (:1.4), (:1.4), Woman (((dressed i western cabaret frilly dress and corset:1.3))), (((huge :1.3))), (((sitting on top of a bar in a saloon:1.3))), , , epic composition, epic cinematic concept art, depth of field, cow , saloon, masterpiece, (detailed face), (detailed clothes), f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 4K, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, masterpiece, perfect lighting, (beautiful face), (detailed face), (detailed clothes), 1 , (woman), 4K, ultrarealistic, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame

(:1.4), (:1.4), Woman (((dressed i western cabaret frilly dress and corset:1.3))), (((huge :1.3))), (((sitting on top of a bar in a saloon:1.3))), , , epic composition, epic cinematic concept art, depth of field, cow , saloon, masterpiece, (detailed face), (detailed clothes), f/1.4, ISO 200, 1/160s, 4K, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame, masterpiece, perfect lighting, (beautiful face), (detailed face), (detailed clothes), 1 , (woman), 4K, ultrarealistic, unedited, symmetrical balance, in-frame