

Author rajesh1729

Instance Prompt

model_id: cartoonish
Model Type: Stable Diffusion

Generates cartoonish images.


Images generated with cartoonish and its prompt

 masterpiece, best quality, Sichuan Lehang Car Rental

masterpiece, best quality, Sichuan Lehang Car Rental

 Masterpiece, best quality, help me generate a member ip, using circular and streamlined lines, which have ocean elements, pentagram elements, color with blue as the main color, yellow as the secondary color, red as the embellishment color. Need three views, HD, HD detail map, clear, style for flat wind, suitable for campus,ip, circular, streamlined, ocean, pentagram, blue, yellow, red, campus.

Masterpiece, best quality, help me generate a member ip, using circular and streamlined lines, which have ocean elements, pentagram elements, color with blue as the main color, yellow as the secondary color, red as the embellishment color. Need three views, HD, HD detail map, clear, style for flat wind, suitable for campus,ip, circular, streamlined, ocean, pentagram, blue, yellow, red, campus.

 baby shark blue eyes

baby shark blue eyes

 blue eye shark with headset

blue eye shark with headset

 blue eye shark with headset

blue eye shark with headset

 Draw a Tom cat.

Draw a Tom cat. ,

 Draw a Tom cat.

Draw a Tom cat. ,

 Masterpiece, best quality, designing jewelry, not people

Masterpiece, best quality, designing jewelry, not people

 Draw me a picture of a ren's mcript,

Draw me a picture of a ren's mcript,

 Draw me a children's detective inspirational hand-copied newspaper,

Draw me a children's detective inspirational hand-copied newspaper,

 masterpiece, best quality, labrador retriever, smile, white and black monotone colour, carton style, with q mark

masterpiece, best quality, labrador retriever, smile, white and black monotone colour, carton style, with q mark

 masterpiece, best quality, Change this character into a god

masterpiece, best quality, Change this character into a god

 The princess of the king

The princess of the king

 masterpiece, best quality, (fidelity:1.4), best quality, masterpiece, super high resolution, poster, fantasy art, very detailed face, 8k resolution, chinese style, a woman, side profile, quiet, light blue hanfu, tulle coat, long black hair, light blue tassels hair accessory, hair clip, white ribbon, white flower bush, light blue butterfly fly, movie lighting effect

masterpiece, best quality, (fidelity:1.4), best quality, masterpiece, super high resolution, poster, fantasy art, very detailed face, 8k resolution, chinese style, a woman, side profile, quiet, light blue hanfu, tulle coat, long black hair, light blue tassels hair accessory, hair clip, white ribbon, white flower bush, light blue butterfly fly, movie lighting effect