Beautiful Detail Eyes

Beautiful Detail Eyes

Author wahaj-ahmed

Instance Prompt

model_id: beautiful-detail-eye
Model Type: Lora

Beautiful Eyes


Images generated with Beautiful Detail Eyes and its prompt

mdjrny-v4 style girl

mdjrny-v4 style girl

mdjrny-v4 style amarican boy

mdjrny-v4 style amarican boy

 beautiful female k-pop idol wearing a cute dinosaur costume, her face is visible:: close up portait, shot on sony a1, 85mm F/1. 4 ISO 100, medium format, 45 megapixel, studio lighting, softbox, high shutter speed flash photography, award winning photograph with golden ratio composition --testp --ar 2:3 --seed 1661 --creative --stylize 2600 --upbeta

beautiful female k-pop idol wearing a cute dinosaur costume, her face is visible:: close up portait, shot on sony a1, 85mm F/1. 4 ISO 100, medium format, 45 megapixel, studio lighting, softbox, high shutter speed flash photography, award winning photograph with golden ratio composition --testp --ar 2:3 --seed 1661 --creative --stylize 2600 --upbeta

portrait+ style anime girl with blue eyes and pink hair holding a rose, anime digital art, stunning anime face portrait, beautiful anime face, beautiful anime portrait, anime art wallpaper 4k, anime art wallpaper 4 k, beautiful fantasy anime, beautiful anime girl, digital anime art, anime style 4 k, beautiful anime, beautiful digital art, gorgeous digital art, very beautiful digital art

portrait+ style anime girl with blue eyes and pink hair holding a rose, anime digital art, stunning anime face portrait, beautiful anime face, beautiful anime portrait, anime art wallpaper 4k, anime art wallpaper 4 k, beautiful fantasy anime, beautiful anime girl, digital anime art, anime style 4 k, beautiful anime, beautiful digital art, gorgeous digital art, very beautiful digital art

dublex style Child in semazen dress

dublex style Child in semazen dress

dublex style Man in derwish dress background forest

dublex style Man in derwish dress background forest

 woman with light red eyes, gazing straight forward, with long black hair, with bangs, just like on japanese woman. She has small but slightly red nose, and big lips, with black lipstick. she wears black oversized hoodie

woman with light red eyes, gazing straight forward, with long black hair, with bangs, just like on japanese woman. She has small but slightly red nose, and big lips, with black lipstick. she wears black oversized hoodie

dublex style a man dressed in white performs a ceremonial dance, in the style of ottoman art, dark green and light black, fujifilm x-t4, raw, confrontational figures

dublex style a man dressed in white performs a ceremonial dance, in the style of ottoman art, dark green and light black, fujifilm x-t4, raw, confrontational figures

 a sensual image of a couple having, HD, 4K

a sensual image of a couple having, HD, 4K

 Blue ocean

Blue ocean

 Blue ocean

Blue ocean

 Blue ocean

Blue ocean







 a boy, beautiful eyes

a boy, beautiful eyes

 an anime character with blond hair, green eyes, in the style of attack on titan

an anime character with blond hair, green eyes, in the style of attack on titan

 an anime character with blond hair, green eyes, in the style of attack on titan

an anime character with blond hair, green eyes, in the style of attack on titan

mdjrny-v4 style an anime character with blond hair, green eyes, in the style of attack on titan

mdjrny-v4 style an anime character with blond hair, green eyes, in the style of attack on titan

 <lora:beautiful-detail-eye:1> Tartaglia hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

<lora:beautiful-detail-eye:1> Tartaglia hyperrealistic, full body, detailed clothing, highly detailed, cinematic lighting, stunningly beautiful, intricate, sharp focus, f/1. 8, 85mm, (centered image composition), (professionally color graded), ((bright soft diffused light)), volumetric fog, trending on instagram, trending on tumblr, HDR 4K, 8K

 SewerSlvt music artist

SewerSlvt music artist

 SewerSlvt music artist

SewerSlvt music artist

 SewerSlvt music artist

SewerSlvt music artist

 SewerSlvt music artist

SewerSlvt music artist



 a girl with small  and tattoos watching a boy who off on the beach.

a girl with small and tattoos watching a boy who off on the beach.

 guitar girl  dark  play In the concert

guitar girl dark play In the concert

 guitar girl play In the concert

guitar girl play In the concert

 guitar girl play In the concert

guitar girl play In the concert

