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Will AI Take My Job? Exploring the Impact of AI on the Future of Employment in 2024

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Will AI Take My Job? Exploring the Impact of AI on the Future of Employment in 2024

Will AI take my job? Will all jobs just disappear like when Thanos snapped away half of humanity?

A 2024 Gallup survey revealed that 22% of respondents feared technology would take over their jobs, while 72% of Fortune 500 chief HR officers anticipate AI replacing jobs in the next three years.

Industries such as customer service and manufacturing are increasingly adopting AI technologies, including machine learning, for routine and repetitive tasks, raising concerns about whether AI will replace certain jobs.

Recently, the launch of OpenAI's O1 series has demonstrated how AI efficiency can be increased by giving the models some time to think about a prompt before answering. These advanced models and the latest AI technologies are raising important questions about which jobs AI will take over and which will remain safe. In this blog, we will delve into these topics.

Jobs That AI Going to Replace

There’s even a website called 'Will Robots Take My Job?' where you can enter a job title to see the likelihood of AI taking it over. I have to admit, I’ve checked this site more often than I’d like to confess. While it's interesting to explore, understanding the facts is crucial. So, I took a closer look at the site to identify which jobs are more secure and which are at risk.

Here are the top 10 that may replaced by AI:

1. Telemarketing

Telemarketing is a job that AI might take over because it involves repetitive tasks like making calls and following scripts. AI can handle these tasks well. For example, AI chatbots and voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google’s Dialogflow can mimic human conversations and manage customer questions.

If AI affects your telemarketing job, you have a few options. You could move into customer relationship management, which involves more personal interaction. Another option is to learn new skills in digital marketing, where you can use AI tools to create strategies and explore new career opportunities.

2. Bookkeeping Clerks

AI can take over data entry and bookkeeping jobs. Since it can automate tasks such as paying invoices and maintaining financial records with the utmost precision, the use of this technology significantly diminishes the scope of human errors. With automated bookkeeping tools, which might incorporate machine learning algorithms in software like QuickBooks or Xero, it is possible to input the data and verify it effectively. In case AI substitutes your job, you can leverage a few solutions.

Firstly, you can take up the training in financial analyses or advisory services. Additionally, you can specialize in using AI bookkeeping services and their management and help other individuals in the utilization of these tools in the framework of consulting.

3. Compensation and Benefits Managers

AI can replace some HR jobs because it can analyze large amounts of data to design the best compensation structures and benefits packages. Tools like Workday and BambooHR use AI for compensation analysis and managing benefits.

For those affected by AI in HR, there are several alternatives. You could transition to HR roles that focus on employee engagement and strategic planning. Another option is to specialize in areas such as diversity and inclusion or organizational development.

4. Receptionists

AI can replace receptionist jobs because AI-powered virtual assistants can efficiently handle tasks like scheduling, answering customer queries, and routing calls. Technologies such as virtual receptionist services like Zirtual and AI voice assistants like Google Assistant are designed for these tasks.

For those displaced by AI, there are several options. You could train for roles in customer service management. Alternatively, you might consider positions in office management that require a human touch, such as event planning or coordination.

5. Couriers

AI can replace delivery jobs. The reason is that autonomous vehicles and drones can deliver packages without couriers, optimizing the routes and delivery times. Furthermore, self-driving delivery vehicles are designed for this task. For instance, Amazon Scout and Zipline, a drone delivery system, is a case in point.

Thus, here are a few potential options for those affected by AI. You could transition to roles in logistics planning and management. Another option is to train in the maintenance and operation of autonomous delivery systems.

6. Proofreaders

AI is technically capable of taking over quite a bit of proofreading work because it can rapidly and accurately point out grammar mistakes, inconsistencies in style, punctuation flaws, and typos. Grammarly and ProWritingAid are well-known examples of AI used for such purposes.

However, there is a way to avoid being completely thrown out of work in case your job is affected. You could specialize in content creation and editing for complex documents that need human judgment. Another option is to expand your skills to include content strategy and digital publishing.

7. Computer Support Specialists

AI can replace some IT support jobs because it can troubleshoot technical issues, provide solutions through chatbots, and even perform remote diagnostics. Technologies like AI-powered IT support tools such as Aisera and IBM Watson Assistant are designed for these tasks.

For those affected by AI in IT support roles, there are a few options. You could shift to cybersecurity roles that require a deeper understanding of threats. Alternatively, you could learn to implement and manage AI-based support systems.

8. Market Research Analysts

AI can replace some market research jobs because it can analyze market trends, customer behavior, and big data more efficiently than humans. Technologies like AI analytics platforms, such as Tableau and Google Analytics, use machine learning to provide deep insights. Still for now it is at moderate risk.

For those affected by AI in market research roles, there are a few options. You could transition to strategic roles like marketing consultancy. Another option is to specialize in areas such as brand strategy or user experience (UX) research.

9. Advertising Salespeople

AI can replace some advertising jobs because it can analyze consumer data, personalize advertising content, and optimize ad placements in real time. Technologies such as programmatic advertising platforms like The Trade Desk and AI-driven ad tools like Adext are designed for these tasks.

For those affected by AI in advertising roles, there are a few options. You could move into strategic advertising roles that focus on campaign planning and creativity. Another option is to train in digital marketing techniques and AI tools for ad optimization.

10. Retail Salespeople

AI’s ability to take over certain retail and customer service positions is attributable to the advent of AI-driven chatbots, as they can handle and manage customer inquiries and respond this also extends to their ability to assist with shopping. Technologies that facilitate this course are the AI-integrated e-commerce platforms, which include shops and stores like Shopify, and the virtual try-on tool, which is powered by augmented reality.

Retail Sales AI Jobs

So exactly what can those in retail expect to do about being replaced by AI? You could train in customer experience management or e-commerce operations. Alternatively, you could pursue roles in retail that require human interaction, such as personal shopping or customer service management.

Top Jobs That AI Can't Replace

Therapists and Counselors
AI might be used for anticipating pathologies and adjusting therapies, but it won’t substitute emotions, attentiveness, and attentiveness of real individuals who work as therapists and psychologists. These professionals have to have deep understanding of human feelings and likewise interest in the life of every single person.

Social Work and Community Outreach Roles
Social workers face complex challenges involving poverty, abuse, and mental health issues. They provide essential emotional support and navigate intricate social dynamics with cultural sensitivity, something AI struggles to replicate.

While AI can compose music and generate melodies, it lacks the emotional depth and personal touch that human musicians bring. Music is an art form that involves personal experiences, improvisation, and an intuitive understanding of rhythm and expression, which AI cannot fully emulate.

High-Level Strategists and Analysts
AI can process and analyze large volumes of data but still relies on human expertise for interpretation and decision-making. High-level strategists and analysts use domain knowledge and critical thinking to derive insights and make informed decisions based on market demands.

Research Scientists and Engineers
AI assists with data processing and analysis but cannot replace the creativity, intuition, and scientific judgment required for groundbreaking discoveries. Scientists and engineers rely on their expertise and experience to conduct experiments and draw conclusions.

Performing Arts
AI cannot replicate the expressions, agility, and nuanced movements of professional dancers and theater artists. Performing arts involve a level of creativity and human interaction that AI cannot reproduce, including the roles of magicians, acrobats, and other live performers.

AI can help with some of the repetitive legal tasks but it is unlikely to be able to fully replace judges due to the requirement of making decisions on very complex matters that often involve human empathy and ethics. Although we can observe some of the tasks in the legal profession to be performed by AI more and more, judging is a purely human occupation.

Leadership and Management Roles
Leaders and managers make decisions based on market trends, competitive landscapes, and organizational values. This requires emotional intelligence and the ability to balance unbiased decisions with the company’s greater good, which AI cannot achieve alone.

Human Resources and Talent Acquisition Positions
HR professionals handle recruitment, training, and employee well-being with empathy and an understanding of human dynamics. Although AI can assist with routine tasks, the subjective judgment and personal interaction required in HR roles remain essential.

Customer Service and Support Positions
Customer service representatives provide empathetic communication and problem-solving that AI struggles to match. Human agents adapt to unique situations and offer emotional support, enhancing customer satisfaction in ways AI cannot fully achieve.

Surgeons and Healthcare Professionals
AI aids in diagnosing conditions but cannot replace the holistic approach of medical professionals who combine knowledge with personal judgment and patient interaction. Surgeons and healthcare workers provide care that involves complex, ethical decision-making.

Athletic performance involves physical agility, coordination, and emotional sportsmanship that AI cannot replicate. Sports requiring skill and athleticism, such as gymnastics and figure skating, emphasize human qualities that go beyond what AI can achieve.

Public Service
Public service roles involve nuanced decision-making, empathy, and ethical considerations. AI can assist with routine tasks but cannot replace the human qualities needed for understanding community needs and making impactful judgments.

Environment Conservation
While AI can support environmental conservation through data analysis and monitoring, it cannot replace the human judgment, passion, and physical presence required for fieldwork and community collaboration.

Investigative Reporter
Generative AI can assist with data analysis and basic reporting, but it cannot replace the critical thinking, intuition, and ethical judgment of investigative journalism. Building relationships, understanding complex human behaviors, and holding power accountable are uniquely human traits.

Note: The data presented above primarily comes from the US and UK, so the risks associated with AI might vary in other countries. The jobs at risk or the roles mentioned might differ depending on your location. However, the facts discussed in this blog indicate that the risk of AI taking over many jobs is more than moderate.


As AI changes the job market, many worry about losing their jobs, especially in repetitive roles. However, jobs that need human skills like empathy and creativity are likely to stay secure. To adapt, focus on learning new skills, using AI tools, and exploring roles that require personal interaction or critical thinking.

Networking and staying updated on industry trends can also help you find new opportunities. By following these steps, you can navigate the changing job landscape and thrive in a world with AI.