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Train a Dreambooth Model with Custom Images


Using this endpoint you can train a Dreambooth model with your own images. You can train a model on any object or person.


--request POST '' \

Make a POST request to endpoint and pass the required parameters as a request body.

Now you can train a model on any other models used as a base model and get its style. You can choose to train on models like midjourney, portraitplus and many more.


Get the base_model_id from here.


You can also read our blog article to learn more about model training.

Body Attributes

keyYour API Key used for request authorization
instance_promptText prompt with how you want to call your trained person/object
class_promptClassification of the trained person/object
base_model_idBase model ID to train your model on
imagesPass accessible direct links to images, cropped to 512 x 512 px. A good number is about 7-8 images.
training_typeThe type of the object you are training on
max_train_stepsSet it at 2 times the number of images (Ni*2; maximum value 2000)
webhookGet a post call when training is complete

Training Types

The table below lists all the possible values for the training_type parameter.

menTrain on faces of men.
femaleTrain on faces of females.
coupleTrain on couples of male and female; in images array pass images of couples, instead of images of a single person.
nullTrain on object or anything.

Webhook Post JSON

This is an example webhook post call in JSON format.

"status": "success",
"training_status": "deploying_gpu",
"logs": "it will take upto 25 minutes",
"model_id": "F5jvdzGnYi",

Training Status Values

The table below describes all possible training statuses.

deploying_gpuDeploying GPU
training_startedTraining started
training_successTraining completed successfully
trained_model_compressingCompressing the trained model
trained_model_uploadingUploading the trained model
trained_model_uploadedTrained model uploaded
deploying_modelDeploying the trained model
model_readyThe trained model is ready for use



"key": "",
"instance_prompt": "photo of adhik person",
"class_prompt": "photo of person",
"base_model_id": "portraitplus-diffusion",
"images": [
"seed": "0",
"training_type": "men",
"max_train_steps": "2000",
"webhook": ""


var myHeaders = new Headers();
myHeaders.append("Content-Type", "application/json");

var raw = JSON.stringify({
"key": "",
"instance_prompt": "photo of adhik person",
"class_prompt": "photo of person",
"base_model_id": "portraitplus-diffusion",
"images": [
"seed": "0",
"training_type": "men",
"max_train_steps": "2000",
"webhook": ""

var requestOptions = {
method: 'POST',
headers: myHeaders,
body: raw,
redirect: 'follow'

fetch("", requestOptions)
.then(response => response.text())
.then(result => console.log(result))
.catch(error => console.log('error', error));


"status": "success",
"messege": "deploying_gpu",
"data": "it will take upto 25 minutes.",
"training_id": "F5jvdzGnYi"